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sinking titanic

Can We Stop Giants From Failing Us?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

Hard landings by companies from Boeing to large investment banks could have been prevented with the right policy levers.

illustration of an electric vehicle

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.

Managing supply chain risks

Rethinking sourcing strategies can mitigate operational risks posed by growing ideological differences.


How LVMH, the world's largest luxury conglomerate, maintains relevance in a rapidly changing market.

illustration of person looking out with binoculars

The top threats to business and the greatest opportunities for impact in the year ahead.


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Can We Stop Giants From Failing Us?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

Hard landings by companies from Boeing to large investment banks could have been prevented with the right policy levers.


How Incumbents Can Win the EV War

C. Lin, L. Shen

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.


Managing Supply Chain Risks in the Age of Trump

Ben Charoenwong

Rethinking sourcing strategies can mitigate operational risks posed by growing ideological differences.


Heritage Meets Innovation: Staying Relevant in Luxury

F. Godart, J. Guiony

How LVMH, the world's largest luxury conglomerate, maintains relevance in a rapidly changing market.


Five Global Trends in Business and Society in 2025

P. Joos, K. Le Goulven, F. Veloso

The top threats to business and the greatest opportunities for impact in the year ahead.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Stakeholders & Local Contexts

Lite Nartey

To be successful in the long run, businesses need to embrace more inclusive and tailored sustainable practices.

Economics & Finance

The World Economy in 2025

INSEAD Knowledge

Professor Antonio Fatás sizes up the major issues that could disrupt the global economy this year.

Leadership & Organisations

Change Management: How Leaders Can Tip the Scales

Vibha Gaba

Navigating the complex dynamics of organisational networks.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: January 2025 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Enhancing financial stability, using AI to improve strategic decision-making, reducing relational overload in organisations and other research findings.
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Economics & Finance

Crypto’s Compliance Conundrum

B. Charoenwong, J. Reiter

The United States is set for a regulatory shakeup. But balancing decentralisation and compliance remains a fundamental challenge.


Buy then Build: Be an Entrepreneur Without the Start-Up

I. Naumovska, K. Olateju

Forget coding in garages — a growing number of entrepreneurs are skipping the start-up grind and buying existing businesses instead.


Empowering Africa’s Social Enterprises

D. Mathuva, V. D. Rao, A. Ndunge

With the right support, religious sisters are transforming charities into sustainable social enterprises, increasing female leadership along the way.

Economics & Finance

What’s in the Price?

Joel Peress

How uncertainty about what information is incorporated in the stock price shapes trading behaviour, returns and price informativeness.

Leadership & Organisations

The Art of Delegation

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

A framework for developing this critical leadership skill.


How to Uncover a Company’s True Culture

C. Harbour, A. Tirard, G. Ward

Eight tips to evaluate if your next role is right for you.


So, You Have a Coach, Now What?

D. Deasy, E. Li

How leaders can get the most out of an effective coaching relationship.


Is India the Next Global Luxury Hub?

D. Dubois, N. Kohli, E. Agarwal, S. Lulla, S. Pretczynska, M. Bhat

India looks set to be the luxury market’s next growth driver. Here’s how brands can make their mark.

Leadership & Organisations

Hope Is a Skill We All Need to Practise

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How to harness the power of hope when the road ahead feels uncertain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Our Best of 2024

INSEAD Knowledge

A round-up of impactful takeaways on generative AI, sustainability, organisational dynamics and much more by INSEAD faculty.


Decoding AI Adoption

P. Zemsky, R. Wong

How region, industry and company size impacts open-weight AI use by developers.


Lessons in Sustainability

Peter Joos

Why we need to embrace new approaches to research, teaching and learning.


Talk About Making a Good Exit

G. Ward, I. Lebbe

Both firms and individuals benefit from discussing the emotional as well as practical side of retirement.


INSEAD Insights: December 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Overcoming AI aversion, confronting career frictions, unpacking “creativity scars” and other research findings.


INSEAD Explains: Sustainability as a Business Strategy

Karel Cool

How companies can create competitive advantage by focusing on innovation that meets the demands of society and consumers.

Leadership & Organisations

In Layoffs, Focus on the Human Element

Andy J. Yap

Clear and transparent communication can mitigate the impact on workers – and set the company up for long-term success.


The Power of AI to Shape Negotiations

Horacio Falcão

How to harness the vast potential of AI to enhance negotiation outcomes – while navigating its challenges.


How Businesses Can Survive the AI "Black Hole"

Jason P. Davis

Why a balanced, experimental approach to GenAI might offer companies the best chance of navigating an uncertain future.


How NGO Activism Can Move the Dial for Sustainability

Thomas Keusch

Beyond making “noise”, NGOs are making real impact by influencing companies to act more responsibly.


Your Money or Your Points

S. Y. Chun, V. Satopaa

How companies can optimise airline miles and other loyalty programmes for maximum profit and customer engagement.


Make Them Laugh, Sell Them Stuff

A. Borah, V. Sood

Humour makes marketing sing – when you do it right.
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Leadership & Organisations

How to Assess Personality Using AI

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

Personality assessments are widely used to evaluate organisational fit. AI can help improve this process – but there are caveats.


Why Indian Climate Tech Is the Sector to Watch

G. Gadamsetty, I. Havens, A. Sonthalia, B. Vissa

India’s climate tech growth opens doors for entrepreneurs and investors to drive sustainability.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Dismantle Hierarchies in Teams

Michael Y. Lee

Why teams often fail in their attempts to “go flat” and how they can set themselves up for success.

Economics & Finance

Can Family Tax Benefits Improve Children’s Outcomes?

K. Koebel, M. Stabile

Robust financial support policies for families can help reduce poverty and positively impact children’s mental health – though their effect on educational outcomes is less clear.

Economics & Finance

Unlocking Opportunities in the Age of Digital Finance

Massimo Massa

Fintech and techfin innovations are opening doors for traditional players to reinvent themselves.


INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Corporate Social Responsibility

Amitava Chattopadhyay

This episode explores how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can be used as pilot projects for larger sustainability schemes.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: November 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New tax collection strategies, mitigating AI risks in healthcare, the luck of CEOs and other research findings.


Could More Human-Like AI Undermine Trust?

P. Puranam, B. Vanneste

Designing modern AI in a way that makes it appear to have more agency could backfire by making people trust the technology less.


Three Steps Towards Sustainable Impact at Scale

Amitava Chattopadhyay

Focusing on exploration, shared value and customer needs can help drive profits and positive change.

Economics & Finance

Mega Companies: Superstars or Super Villains?

Dimitrije Ruzic

South Korea’s experience shows that big is not necessarily bad.


Is Working Yourself “To The Bone” Ever Worth It?

W. Jiang, C. Harbour, A. Tirard

Work conditions in certain industries are notoriously gruelling. We ask four professionals in demanding sectors if the benefits outweigh the costs.


The Life of Giants: A Life-Cycle View of Wind Turbines

S. Aflaki, A Atasu, L Van Wassenhove

As enthusiasm to harness offshore wind energy hits a high, here’s the lowdown on what affects its long-term viability.
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How to Get the Most Out of a Diverse Board

Guoli Chen

Formal and informal social structures can enhance the positive effect of deep-level diversity while weakening the negative impact of surface-level diversity.


INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Nutrition and Health

Pierre Chandon

This episode spotlights the influential role of the food industry, and food marketing in particular, on consumer health and well-being.
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Beyond ESG: Why We Need A Novel Approach

U. G. Schulte, L. Van der Heyden

Standardised sustainability metrics will drive real progress.
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Leadership & Organisations

Understanding The Whole Picture

D. Deasy, E. Li

The benefits of group coaching for organisational change and impact.
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Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Team Alignment: Lessons From the Trenches

F. Godart, A. Tirard

A conversation with top pharma CEO Elcin Barker Ergun on how aligning senior leaders will lead to organisational success.


How Can Chinese EV Brands Grow Globally?

C. Lin, L. Shen

Learning from lessons on successful international expansions of the past.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: October 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

What to know when delegating pricing decisions to agents, how to grow trust within networks and other research findings.


What Motivates Companies to Act Responsibly

N. C. Smith and M. Scholz

When facing complex global challenges, ethical leadership plays a crucial role in determining whether companies prioritise societal well-being or profits.

Economics & Finance

When You Set Your Own Pay – A Study on Board Compensation

L. Fang and S. Huang

Can legal frameworks address directors’ self-dealing?


Real Estate Negotiations: A Value Win-Win Approach

H. Falcao, T. Wiegelmann

A comprehensive framework for achieving long-term success in the industry.


Seven Keys to A Happy Retirement

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Before exiting your full-time career, laying serious groundwork is essential.
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INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Circular Economy

Atalay Atasu

This episode highlights where circularity can begin and how it can end – when not done right.

Economics & Finance

Taming the World’s Affordable Housing Crisis

Pierre Mabille

Everyone deserves a roof over their head. This World Habitat Day, we outline a roadmap for getting there.


What’s Next for Generative AI?

M. S. Lobo, P. M. Parker, T. Evgeniou

INSEAD professors venture an educated guess.
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How #MeToo and Other Social Movements Sway Consumers

C. S. Bellet, D. Dubois, F. Godart

A multinational study reveals that the #MeToo movement shook up gender stereotypes and consumer preferences.

Leadership & Organisations

Leaders Who Tell Stories Rule the World

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How harnessing the power of storytelling can help leaders effect change – not only in others but also themselves.

Economics & Finance

How Segregation Shapes Our Views on Inequality

Asher Lawson

Economic segregation could make people care less about wealth disparities.


INSEAD Insights: September 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

How consumers perceive loyalty programmes, the drawbacks of collective learning, what shapes a start-up’s culture and more findings from recent research.

Leadership & Organisations

Coping With Disruption

A. Aris, K. Skogen Lund

How boards of incumbent companies can safeguard value creation when launching new businesses.

Leadership & Organisations

Step Out of the Lab

Ithai Stern

When inventor CEOs should let others lead innovation.


Why Founders Benefit From Going to School

H. Greve, F. Veloso

A new survey debunks the idea that an MBA won’t help you become a successful entrepreneur.

Leadership & Organisations

Crises, Stakeholders and Merger Success

L. Capron, M. Guillén, M-A. Very

How economic shocks weaken the influence of shareholders and employees on acquisition outcomes.


The Science of Successful Start-Ups

Chiara Spina

Entrepreneurs who test their business ideas like scientists stand a better chance of making it.
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How Digital Technologies Powered the Olympic Games

C. Lin, C. Tung

Digital tools supercharged the creation, distribution and personalisation of content at Paris 2024.


The Obstacles to Partnering With Start-Ups

A. Shipilov, N. Furr, T. S. Andersson

Why collaborations between corporates and start-ups fail – and how to get them right.


How to Turn Sustainability Enthusiasm into Action

Karel Cool

Sustainability can be a strategic driver of growth for companies that know how to internalise it.


Generating Value from GenAI

J. P. Davis, C. Lin, A. Aris

Organisations need experimentation, partnerships and the right talent and systems.


How Race Can Impact Sourcing Decisions

K. Aral, L. Van Wassenhove

Winning contracts from buyer firms is crucial to the survival of small businesses – but racial bias can get in the way.


Ahead of the Trends

F. Godart, D. de Jori, I. Mirbach

Exploring the different ways fashion brands are embracing AI.


New Pathways to Meet Africa’s Challenges

Lite J. Nartey

The continent doesn’t have a choice between economic growth and protecting the environment – here’s how they can go hand in hand.


Does Competition Hurt or Help in Motivating Volunteers?

A. Nagaraj, H. Piezunka

When a platform’s viability depends on crowdsourced knowledge from volunteers, it pays to understand the effects of competition on people’s tendency to contribute.


Will AI Kill Us All?

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Irrational humans have a long history of fearing some bogeyman.
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Leadership & Organisations

The Importance of Knowing Your Team

D. Deasy, E. Li

Reading people is not enough; good leaders need to build a culture of open curiosity.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: August 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Fresh findings on artificial intelligence, bond markets, the sharing economy and more.
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Leadership & Organisations

How the Right Team Can Outshine Star Power

Vlad Mares

The future of innovation belongs not to geniuses but well-combined teams.

Economics & Finance

Voting for Political Influence

Massimo Massa

Leading mutual funds vote to curry political favour rather than practice good governance.

Leadership & Organisations

Can Senior Politicians Teach Executives How to Lead?

Jose-Luis Alvarez

How to use political strategies for positive impact in the C-suite.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Mitigate Resentment in Your Team

Nadav Klein

Creating co-dependencies among team members could help foster more harmonious team dynamics.


Improving Access to Drugs: The Critical Role of Supply Chain Risk

T. Breugem, I. Parsa, L. Van Wassenhove, K. Van Oorschot

A simple way of thinking about medical criticality, supply chain risk and their interactions can lead to more sustainable solutions for drug shortages.


The Unintended Consequences of GenAI

P. Puranam, H. Kim, T. Evgeniou

With great power comes great risks.


How Successful South Korean Brands Create Value Through Immersion

David Dubois

South Korean brands – be it K-pop groups, eyewear or fashion – outpace competitors through transformative customer experiences, from discovery to retail.


The Chinese EV Company That Made Battery Swapping Work

Chengyi Lin

Automotive company Nio's battery-swapping technology offers a viable alternative to charging stations.


Negotiating Beyond Win-Win

H. Falcão, R. Swaab, E. L. Uhlmann

Constructive dialogues and sustainable negotiation strategies can bring us closer to a more humane world.


Technology Counter-Offensive! Fight Back Against Disruption

N. Furr, D. Snow

Companies can respond to new technology with smart strategies.
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Leadership & Organisations

How Teaming Supercharges Collaboration

S. Shekshnia, S. Vorobiev

NASA does it. We show how your organisation can embrace teaming, too.
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Leadership & Organisations

Navigating the Future With a Human Touch

Graham Ward

How human-centred leadership is key to addressing the challenges and opportunities of AI

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: July 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on productive misunderstandings, corporate good deeds that hurt, the effectiveness of governance practices, the human dimension of climate change, and when short selling doesn’t lead to pricing efficiency.


Paris 2024: A Model for Greener Games

A. Atasu, L. Van Wassenhove

With a bold ambition to halve greenhouse gas emissions, the Paris Olympics and Paralympics are raising the bar for future international events.
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The Negotiation Reality in Real Estate

Horacio Falcão

How to move away from traditional adversarial negotiation tactics and embrace more ethical and collaborative approaches.


Three Lessons From Tech Layoffs on Building Career Agility

W. Jiang, C. Harbour, A. Tirard

The importance of diversifying early, prioritising self-discovery and keeping your pipeline open for opportunities.


Can Financial Innovation Drive the Net-Zero Transition?

Lucie Tepla

Promising new financing solutions are paving the way to net zero but organisational, governmental and socio-political roadblocks remain.

Leadership & Organisations

How Can Companies Rethink the Idea of Productivity?

Henrik Bresman

By broadening their definition of productivity beyond conventional metrics, organisations can nurture a happier and healthier workforce to achieve better overall performance.

Economics & Finance

Do Corporate Insiders Behave When the SEC’s Not Watching?

D. Bens, G. Ee

The 2018–2019 US federal government shutdown provided important insights into insider trading in the absence of the watchdog.
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Leadership & Organisations

America’s Problem With Its CEO

P. Nathanial, L. Van der Heyden

The US imperial leadership culture, embodied by President Biden clinging on to power and former President Trump’s abuse of it, risks damaging American democracy.


How Africa Can Embrace Venture Capital

E. Obonyo, C. Zeisberger

Education, local perspectives and stronger networks can help unlock the continent’s investment potential.

Leadership & Organisations

Can You Collaborate With Someone You Compete Against?

T. Grohsjean, H. Piezunka, M. Mickler

When team members compete outside of the workplace, their relationship and willingness to cooperate take a hit.


The Biggest Winners of GenAI

P. M. Parker, H. Piezunka, A. S. Ovchinnikov

AI coming for your job? Truth is, for specific roles, generative technologies can be more godsend than threat.


Accounting for Sustainability

Luk Van Wassenhove

Can accountants and auditors become agents for real social change and make businesses more sustainable?

Leadership & Organisations

Tackling the Third Sales Transformation

Jean-Claude Larreche

A new business reality has shifted the role of sales professionals within firms.


Connecting Across Disconnections

K. Snellman, D. Pollenne

Amid recent pushback, maintaining robust diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives will require a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
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INSEAD Insights: June 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New findings on factors for successful post-merger integrations, investor behaviour, the benefits of learning from others, how to communicate with investors in tough times and milking brand rivalry.

Economics & Finance

The Politics of Mutual Fund Managers’ Voting

M. Massimo, L. Zhang

Fund managers’ politics sway the way they vote, impacting company governance at the expense of company performance.


How to Handle a Toxic Boss

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers.


Is There a Fault in Fault-Finding?

A. Janz, H. Falcão

Constant focus on mistakes or flaws creates a hostile and stressful environment, which can be demotivating, affect personal well-being and stifle professional growth.

Leadership & Organisations

How CEOs Navigate High-Stakes Decisions

S. Olbert, N. Karelaia

Strategies to help leaders make better, more confident decisions under pressure.

Leadership & Organisations

Your Board is Your Best Insurance Against Turbulence

Y. Doz, K.Wilson

Mobilising the collective intelligence of the board may be the best bet to weather any storm.


When Being Responsive is a Responsibility

A. Atasu, M. Altman, A. Reichel

How Kenvue embraced responsibility to its customers by making its supply chain more responsive to demand.


Four Ways GenAI Can Give You a Competitive Edge

A. Ovchinnikov, D.Dubois, M. Lobo, H. Kim

How to put generative AI to work for your business.

Leadership & Organisations

Collaboration Doesn't Require Physical Proximity

M. Sosa, M. Maoret

Even when colleagues are not in the same office, strong social ties can bridge the gap.

Family Business

Will the Next Founders of Family Firms Please Stand Up?

Bala Vissa

Family enterprises can rise to new heights by rediscovering their entrepreneurial DNA.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Manage Critical Conversations

Chengyi Lin

A framework for what to do and what to avoid when discussing critical topics with your team.

Leadership & Organisations

Coaching As Collaboration

D. Deasy and E. Li

The benefits of group coaching to the individual and the organisation.

Leadership & Organisations

The Six Dimensions of Winning Teams

A. Goudsmet, L. Van der Heyden

Teams with clear goals, values, rules, roles and processes, backed by full individual commitment, are primed for peak performance.


INSEAD Insights: May 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on AI and decision-making, social movements’ impact, the consequences of volatile fiscal policies, and what’s behind anaemic productivity growth in the US and Europe.


The Rise of the Indo-Pacific in the Global Supply Chain

Sameer Hasija

With an eye on emerging technologies and capability building, Indo-Pacific countries could play an increasing role in the global value chain amid trade tensions.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Combat an “Always On” Work Culture

W. Jiang, M. Mortensen, A. Yap, S. Harrison

“Right to Disconnect” laws may be a piece of the puzzle. But leaders, managers and employees need to lead the change.


How Bacteria May Influence Your Behaviour

Hilke Plassmann

Evidence that the tiny organisms in our gut impact our social decisions.

Economics & Finance

Singapore 4.0

Pushan Dutt

Amid deglobalisation and geopolitical tensions, what will the future hold for Singapore under new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong?


The Promise of Brazil's Green Economy

L. Felipe Monteiro

Brazil’s green economy has immense potential – but can it be realised?


Building Your First Board: Lessons for Founders

S. Shekshnia, V. Vyas

It takes more than intuition and expertise to assemble a team of directors who can help firms stay profitable and healthy.
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Protecting the Humanitarian Space in Conflicts

A. Kayyal, I. Parsa, L. Van Wassenhove

In the name of humanity, aid must be allowed to flow to vulnerable people caught in conflict around the world.


Reframing the Competition

H. Yang, A. Chattopadhyay

Strategies to tweak competitive scenarios and boost performance.

Leadership & Organisations

Directors in a VUCA World: Pitfalls and Upsides

Lee Seok Hwai

Shifting geopolitics, emerging technologies, changing climates. How should board directors steer their organisations through it all?


Collaboration Towards A Common Goal

Francisco Veloso

The role of business schools in empowering the next generation of sustainability-focused entrepreneurs.
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Leadership & Organisations

The Problem with Peer Reviews

H. Klapper, H. Piezunka, L. Dahlander

People leverage 360-degree feedback systems and peer evaluations for personal gain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Can Boeing Fix Itself?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

A systems perspective of the American planemaker’s crisis and how the company could restore confidence.


Powering Sustainability Through Partnerships

L. Felipe Monteiro

Collaborations between impact entrepreneurs and corporates could help the latter meet their sustainability targets. Here’s how to make those partnerships more effective.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: April 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on anti-corruption efforts, technology displacement, pay negotiation for social impact work, financial forecasting and scientific entrepreneurship approaches.

Economics & Finance

Consumers’ Green Conscience Fosters Clean Innovation

A. Roulet, P. Aghion

It’s not cheap talk; when market competition is fierce, the effect of consumers’ values on green innovation can be as strong as a large fuel price increase.


Love Your Job or Leave It? Maybe There's Another Way

Winnie Jiang

How to find meaning in any job and steer your career in a new direction.


Why Decarbonisation Is So Hard

Anton S. Ovchinnikov

Despite the clear environmental and long-term economic benefits of reducing carbon emissions, global decarbonisation efforts remain woefully inadequate.

Leadership & Organisations

Are Boards Forward-Thinking Enough in this Disruption Era?

Ron Soonieus

Seven recommendations for boards to recalibrate their strategies and skill sets.


How Long-Termism Can Boost Firm Performance

L. Van Wassenhove, K. Aral, E. Giambona

With the freedom to plan across time horizons, executives are more likely to invest in operational capabilities that can bring long-term shareholder value.


Learning to Be Alone

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Loneliness is a call for deeper connection with ourselves and others.

Leadership & Organisations

What Business Leaders Really Think About Generative AI

Jason P. Davis

An INSEAD survey offers insights on who will benefit from AI, how attitudes differ in Europe, America and Asia, and when the AGI future will arrive.


A Simple Phrase for Getting Better Help

K. Kuwabara, Y. Park, K. Nault

Making generalised, not personalised, help requests can improve the quality of help received.


How Utopian Thinking Can Inspire Business Leaders

Marc Le Menestrel

The distance between reality and our dreams is a space for creative solutions.


Green Views for Healthier Diets

P. Chandon, M. Langlois

How natural settings inspire people to make healthier eating choices.


How Seeing a Regular Doctor Improves Primary Care

Michael Freeman

In primary care, patient-doctor continuity not only brings positive health outcomes, but also productivity benefits.

Leadership & Organisations

Cyberloafing Unplugged: Overcoming Online Distractions in the Workplace

Pawel Korzynski

Cyberloafing can be a response to job dissatisfaction associated with high workload, low self-efficacy and poor time management skills.


The Power of Public-Private Partnerships

W. Ulaga, M. Adade

How both sectors can collaborate to tackle global challenges.


Etiquette as a Luxury Brand-Building Tool

D. Dubois, E. Cousteau

How the luxury and prestige industries create immersive experiences to attract and deeply connect with their clients.


The Four Mindsets of Retirement

G. Ward, I. Lebbe

How to smooth the transition and embrace the “third half” of life.


Mine Your Language

Abhishek Borah

How text mining can unearth novel, absorbing and valuable findings.


INSEAD Insights: March 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on the gender gap in start-ups, conspiracy theories, stock price predictions, improving supply chain networks and more.

Leadership & Organisations

How Leaders Can Avoid the Hubris Trap

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Overcoming the hubris syndrome requires a dose of reality, humility and humour.


Six Principles for Successful Multiparty Negotiations

H. Falcao, N. Ferchachi

What managers can learn from COP28, which resulted in nearly 200 nations endorsing a landmark climate accord.


How to Boost Health Product Supplies in Developing Regions

Prashant Yadav

Are development banks and philanthropic foundations using the right incentives to encourage global life sciences companies to cater to underserved markets?


How to Spot the Next Technology Breakthrough

A. Shipilov, F. Burelli

The three factors that can predict which B2C and B2B technologies are about to take off.


Paving the Way for NFTs

P. Zemsky, F. Godart

While specific use cases may warrant regulation, applying broad rules to NFTs would be akin to regulating fire or bricks.
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Leadership & Organisations

Winning the Game of Boardroom Chess

M. Jarrett, A. J. Yap, C. LeBaron

How subtle, seemingly innocuous actions can shift the balance of power in your favour.
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Your Dream Job May Not Exist, and That’s Okay

Winnie Jiang

Anyone can grow passion and find fulfilment in a wide range of careers.

Economics & Finance

Will the Shifting Economic Power Balance Topple Democracy?

Ilian Mihov

A view on where global democracy stands and where it’s headed in the new economic world order.
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Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Should Be a Team Sport

Graham Ward

Actions speak louder than titles and every voice holds the power to lead.

Economics & Finance

Key Players in the Indo-Pacific Region

Pushan Dutt

Amid ongoing conflicts, shifting allegiances and incumbents jostling for influence, emerging powers such as India will play an increasingly important role in shaping Indo-Pacific relations.


Grow Your Networks With a Growth Mindset

Ko Kuwabara

What if changing your mindset could take the struggles out of networking?

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: February 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on time management, family business, herd behaviour, public-private collaborations and cyberloafing.
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Leadership & Organisations

Business and Politics Should Never Mix – Or Should They?

M. Scholz, C. Smith

When companies have a responsibility to speak out on politics.


Chinese Automakers’ Secret to Scaling Up Electric Vehicles

Chengyi Lin

How China’s electric vehicle sector drove to the front of the pack.


Mastering Value Chain Placement for Deep Tech Venture Success

Bill Magill

A guide to optimising your place in the chain and aligning to market power dynamics.


What Female Artists Can Do About Discrimination

Henrich Greve

Participation in residency programmes and access to elite education can enhance the opportunities available to women artists.

Economics & Finance

Bridging Prosperity and Need

Alexandra Roulet

A country's overall economic figures don't always speak to the difficulty of life for many people. Even Singapore needs a food bank.

Economics & Finance

When Firms Behave Irrationally

Lin Tian

The actions of firms in low-income countries don’t always match our assumptions.


Business Case for Sustainability: The Stakeholder Perspective

Atalay Atasu

If the environment were the new business stakeholder, could we still afford to ignore it?


To Use AI Tools Smartly, Think Like a Strategist

Phanish Puranam

Consider how specific AI tools will impact your own skills and capabilities.

Leadership & Organisations

In Praise of Boredom

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Monotony can ignite creativity, giving rise to new adventures and fresh beginnings.

Leadership & Organisations

Let’s Get Specific About Kindness in Business

Nadav Klein

Being kind in business has its limits – here’s why you shouldn’t go overboard.
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Four Global Trends in Business and Society in 2024

K. Le Goulven, M. Stabile, F. Veloso

Climate change, geopolitical crises, social instability and income and wealth inequality are threats to business – but they also pose opportunities for impact.


Boeing’s Tragedy: The Fall of an American Icon

Y. Doz, K. Wilson

The recent Alaska Airlines incident is just the latest in a string of sometimes tragic mishaps by the aircraft manufacturer – where did it all go wrong?


Why Some CEOs Are More Likely to Downsize

Guoli Chen

A firm’s decision on whether to downsize when facing performance shortfalls may depend on the CEO’s internal attribution tendency.

Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Challenges When Companies Merge

Andy J. Yap

Lessons from an Indonesian telco merger success: When organisations merge, people must come together.

Economics & Finance

The World Economy in 2024: Are We Back on Track?

INSEAD Knowledge

Professor Antonio Fatás explores the long and short-term trends shaping the global economic landscape.
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Can You Bring Your Spirituality to Work?

C. Harbour, A. Tirard, N. Klein

Lessons from executives who integrated their spiritual beliefs into their leadership style.

Leadership & Organisations

How Leaders Can Effect Change by Changing Themselves

Narayan Pant

A four-step framework to help leaders look inwards to better lead organisational change.


The Risks and Rewards of Community-Driven Business Models

J. Singh, A. Adbi and M. Lee

Understanding the hidden dangers of leveraging social capital in low-income communities.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: January 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on enhancing experiences, gender wage transparency, long-term planning, networks and the dangers of flattery.


To Bundle or Not to Bundle

Guillaume Roels

Bundling isn’t just a pricing tactic. It’s a strategic way of designing product offerings.


To Counter Misinformation, Strengthen Human Connection

David Dubois

How boosting social bonds can reduce belief in conspiracy theories and the spreading of dangerous lies.


Leave Intuition to the Machines

A. Lawson, M. Lobo, P. Puranam

Is it time for System 3 thinking by humans?

Leadership & Organisations

Stop Asking Candidates for Their Last-Drawn Salary

Mark Mortensen

A holistic approach does more to ensure the right fit and boost employee well-being and retention.


How To Align What You Say With What You Do

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Bridging the divide between best intentions and actual behaviour.

Economics & Finance

When Information Won’t Reduce Stock Price Volatility Immediately

J. W. Bae, F. Belo, J. Li, X. Lin, X. Zhao

Where company disclosures are concerned, “the more the merrier” doesn’t always apply; complexity and timing matter too.

Leadership & Organisations

Three “Bad Boss” Habits to Avoid in 2024

Graham Ward

Resist the urge to emotionally detach, control outcomes or blindly comply.

Economics & Finance

How Web3 and AI Will Transform Finance

J. Davis, J. Kasko

Artificial intelligence and crypto are not only reinventing financial products and delivery, but also influencing who gets to participate.


What 2023 Taught Us: The Rules Are Always Changing

INSEAD Knowledge

This year's top trending articles explore how we can keep pace with a world in flux.

Leadership & Organisations

X-Teams: Three Principles to Guide Today’s Leaders

Henrik Bresman

In a VUCA world that’s gone on steroids, mere internal alignment won’t cut it.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: December 2023 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on consumer confidence, preventing financial runs, competitor information, regulation and gender bias in the workplace.


The Pitfalls of Giving Feedback Across Generations

Erin Meyer

Bridging generational divides may involve discomfort but can push a team towards excellence.


Effective Networking Is About Giving, Not Just Taking

Charles Galunic

Developing professional relationships starts with adding value to others’ lives.


Why We Can Be Quicker to Judge Others Than We Think

N. Klein, R. E. Lim

People tend to violate the thresholds they set for evaluating others, which can have significant consequences for their reputation and relationships.


How Incumbents Can Win the EV War

C. Lin, L. Shen

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Stakeholders & Local Contexts

Lite Nartey

To be successful in the long run, businesses need to embrace more inclusive and tailored sustainable practices.

Leadership & Organisations

Change Management: How Leaders Can Tip the Scales

Vibha Gaba

Navigating the complex dynamics of organisational networks.

Leadership & Organisations

The Art of Delegation

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

A framework for developing this critical leadership skill.

Leadership & Organisations

Hope Is a Skill We All Need to Practise

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How to harness the power of hope when the road ahead feels uncertain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Our Best of 2024

INSEAD Knowledge

A round-up of impactful takeaways on generative AI, sustainability, organisational dynamics and much more by INSEAD faculty.

Leadership & Organisations

In Layoffs, Focus on the Human Element

Andy J. Yap

Clear and transparent communication can mitigate the impact on workers – and set the company up for long-term success.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Assess Personality Using AI

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

Personality assessments are widely used to evaluate organisational fit. AI can help improve this process – but there are caveats.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Dismantle Hierarchies in Teams

Michael Y. Lee

Why teams often fail in their attempts to “go flat” and how they can set themselves up for success.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: November 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New tax collection strategies, mitigating AI risks in healthcare, the luck of CEOs and other research findings.


How to Get the Most Out of a Diverse Board

Guoli Chen

Formal and informal social structures can enhance the positive effect of deep-level diversity while weakening the negative impact of surface-level diversity.


Beyond ESG: Why We Need A Novel Approach

U. G. Schulte, L. Van der Heyden

Standardised sustainability metrics will drive real progress.
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Leadership & Organisations

Understanding The Whole Picture

D. Deasy, E. Li

The benefits of group coaching for organisational change and impact.
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Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Team Alignment: Lessons From the Trenches

F. Godart, A. Tirard

A conversation with top pharma CEO Elcin Barker Ergun on how aligning senior leaders will lead to organisational success.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: October 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

What to know when delegating pricing decisions to agents, how to grow trust within networks and other research findings.


What Motivates Companies to Act Responsibly

N. C. Smith and M. Scholz

When facing complex global challenges, ethical leadership plays a crucial role in determining whether companies prioritise societal well-being or profits.

Leadership & Organisations

Leaders Who Tell Stories Rule the World

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How harnessing the power of storytelling can help leaders effect change – not only in others but also themselves.


INSEAD Insights: September 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

How consumers perceive loyalty programmes, the drawbacks of collective learning, what shapes a start-up’s culture and more findings from recent research.

Leadership & Organisations

Coping With Disruption

A. Aris, K. Skogen Lund

How boards of incumbent companies can safeguard value creation when launching new businesses.

Leadership & Organisations

Step Out of the Lab

Ithai Stern

When inventor CEOs should let others lead innovation.


Why Founders Benefit From Going to School

H. Greve, F. Veloso

A new survey debunks the idea that an MBA won’t help you become a successful entrepreneur.

Leadership & Organisations

Crises, Stakeholders and Merger Success

L. Capron, M. Guillén, M-A. Very

How economic shocks weaken the influence of shareholders and employees on acquisition outcomes.

Leadership & Organisations

The Importance of Knowing Your Team

D. Deasy, E. Li

Reading people is not enough; good leaders need to build a culture of open curiosity.

Leadership & Organisations

How the Right Team Can Outshine Star Power

Vlad Mares

The future of innovation belongs not to geniuses but well-combined teams.

Leadership & Organisations

Can Senior Politicians Teach Executives How to Lead?

Jose-Luis Alvarez

How to use political strategies for positive impact in the C-suite.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Mitigate Resentment in Your Team

Nadav Klein

Creating co-dependencies among team members could help foster more harmonious team dynamics.

Leadership & Organisations

How Teaming Supercharges Collaboration

S. Shekshnia, S. Vorobiev

NASA does it. We show how your organisation can embrace teaming, too.
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Leadership & Organisations

Navigating the Future With a Human Touch

Graham Ward

How human-centred leadership is key to addressing the challenges and opportunities of AI

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: July 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on productive misunderstandings, corporate good deeds that hurt, the effectiveness of governance practices, the human dimension of climate change, and when short selling doesn’t lead to pricing efficiency.

Leadership & Organisations

How Can Companies Rethink the Idea of Productivity?

Henrik Bresman

By broadening their definition of productivity beyond conventional metrics, organisations can nurture a happier and healthier workforce to achieve better overall performance.

Leadership & Organisations

America’s Problem With Its CEO

P. Nathanial, L. Van der Heyden

The US imperial leadership culture, embodied by President Biden clinging on to power and former President Trump’s abuse of it, risks damaging American democracy.

Leadership & Organisations

Can You Collaborate With Someone You Compete Against?

T. Grohsjean, H. Piezunka, M. Mickler

When team members compete outside of the workplace, their relationship and willingness to cooperate take a hit.


The Biggest Winners of GenAI

P. M. Parker, H. Piezunka, A. S. Ovchinnikov

AI coming for your job? Truth is, for specific roles, generative technologies can be more godsend than threat.

Leadership & Organisations

Tackling the Third Sales Transformation

Jean-Claude Larreche

A new business reality has shifted the role of sales professionals within firms.


Connecting Across Disconnections

K. Snellman, D. Pollenne

Amid recent pushback, maintaining robust diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives will require a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
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INSEAD Insights: June 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New findings on factors for successful post-merger integrations, investor behaviour, the benefits of learning from others, how to communicate with investors in tough times and milking brand rivalry.


How to Handle a Toxic Boss

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers.

Leadership & Organisations

How CEOs Navigate High-Stakes Decisions

S. Olbert, N. Karelaia

Strategies to help leaders make better, more confident decisions under pressure.

Leadership & Organisations

Your Board is Your Best Insurance Against Turbulence

Y. Doz, K.Wilson

Mobilising the collective intelligence of the board may be the best bet to weather any storm.


Four Ways GenAI Can Give You a Competitive Edge

A. Ovchinnikov, D.Dubois, M. Lobo, H. Kim

How to put generative AI to work for your business.

Leadership & Organisations

Collaboration Doesn't Require Physical Proximity

M. Sosa, M. Maoret

Even when colleagues are not in the same office, strong social ties can bridge the gap.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Manage Critical Conversations

Chengyi Lin

A framework for what to do and what to avoid when discussing critical topics with your team.

Leadership & Organisations

Coaching As Collaboration

D. Deasy and E. Li

The benefits of group coaching to the individual and the organisation.

Leadership & Organisations

The Six Dimensions of Winning Teams

A. Goudsmet, L. Van der Heyden

Teams with clear goals, values, rules, roles and processes, backed by full individual commitment, are primed for peak performance.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Combat an “Always On” Work Culture

W. Jiang, M. Mortensen, A. Yap, S. Harrison

“Right to Disconnect” laws may be a piece of the puzzle. But leaders, managers and employees need to lead the change.


Building Your First Board: Lessons for Founders

S. Shekshnia, V. Vyas

It takes more than intuition and expertise to assemble a team of directors who can help firms stay profitable and healthy.
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Leadership & Organisations

Directors in a VUCA World: Pitfalls and Upsides

Lee Seok Hwai

Shifting geopolitics, emerging technologies, changing climates. How should board directors steer their organisations through it all?

Leadership & Organisations

The Problem with Peer Reviews

H. Klapper, H. Piezunka, L. Dahlander

People leverage 360-degree feedback systems and peer evaluations for personal gain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Can Boeing Fix Itself?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

A systems perspective of the American planemaker’s crisis and how the company could restore confidence.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: April 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on anti-corruption efforts, technology displacement, pay negotiation for social impact work, financial forecasting and scientific entrepreneurship approaches.

Leadership & Organisations

Are Boards Forward-Thinking Enough in this Disruption Era?

Ron Soonieus

Seven recommendations for boards to recalibrate their strategies and skill sets.


Learning to Be Alone

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Loneliness is a call for deeper connection with ourselves and others.

Leadership & Organisations

What Business Leaders Really Think About Generative AI

Jason P. Davis

An INSEAD survey offers insights on who will benefit from AI, how attitudes differ in Europe, America and Asia, and when the AGI future will arrive.


How Utopian Thinking Can Inspire Business Leaders

Marc Le Menestrel

The distance between reality and our dreams is a space for creative solutions.

Leadership & Organisations

Cyberloafing Unplugged: Overcoming Online Distractions in the Workplace

Pawel Korzynski

Cyberloafing can be a response to job dissatisfaction associated with high workload, low self-efficacy and poor time management skills.


INSEAD Insights: March 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on the gender gap in start-ups, conspiracy theories, stock price predictions, improving supply chain networks and more.

Leadership & Organisations

How Leaders Can Avoid the Hubris Trap

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Overcoming the hubris syndrome requires a dose of reality, humility and humour.

Leadership & Organisations

Winning the Game of Boardroom Chess

M. Jarrett, A. J. Yap, C. LeBaron

How subtle, seemingly innocuous actions can shift the balance of power in your favour.
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Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Should Be a Team Sport

Graham Ward

Actions speak louder than titles and every voice holds the power to lead.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: February 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on time management, family business, herd behaviour, public-private collaborations and cyberloafing.
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Leadership & Organisations

Business and Politics Should Never Mix – Or Should They?

M. Scholz, C. Smith

When companies have a responsibility to speak out on politics.

Leadership & Organisations

In Praise of Boredom

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Monotony can ignite creativity, giving rise to new adventures and fresh beginnings.

Leadership & Organisations

Let’s Get Specific About Kindness in Business

Nadav Klein

Being kind in business has its limits – here’s why you shouldn’t go overboard.
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Why Some CEOs Are More Likely to Downsize

Guoli Chen

A firm’s decision on whether to downsize when facing performance shortfalls may depend on the CEO’s internal attribution tendency.

Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Challenges When Companies Merge

Andy J. Yap

Lessons from an Indonesian telco merger success: When organisations merge, people must come together.


Can You Bring Your Spirituality to Work?

C. Harbour, A. Tirard, N. Klein

Lessons from executives who integrated their spiritual beliefs into their leadership style.

Leadership & Organisations

How Leaders Can Effect Change by Changing Themselves

Narayan Pant

A four-step framework to help leaders look inwards to better lead organisational change.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: January 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on enhancing experiences, gender wage transparency, long-term planning, networks and the dangers of flattery.

Leadership & Organisations

Stop Asking Candidates for Their Last-Drawn Salary

Mark Mortensen

A holistic approach does more to ensure the right fit and boost employee well-being and retention.


How To Align What You Say With What You Do

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Bridging the divide between best intentions and actual behaviour.

Leadership & Organisations

Three “Bad Boss” Habits to Avoid in 2024

Graham Ward

Resist the urge to emotionally detach, control outcomes or blindly comply.


What 2023 Taught Us: The Rules Are Always Changing

INSEAD Knowledge

This year's top trending articles explore how we can keep pace with a world in flux.

Leadership & Organisations

X-Teams: Three Principles to Guide Today’s Leaders

Henrik Bresman

In a VUCA world that’s gone on steroids, mere internal alignment won’t cut it.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: December 2023 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on consumer confidence, preventing financial runs, competitor information, regulation and gender bias in the workplace.


Why We Can Be Quicker to Judge Others Than We Think

N. Klein, R. E. Lim

People tend to violate the thresholds they set for evaluating others, which can have significant consequences for their reputation and relationships.


Why Not Enough Women Are Senior Leaders

A. Roulet, A. Lawson

True parity in the workplace is still a distant goal. INSEAD faculty outline why women aren’t advancing and the role gender stereotypes play.


How Overconfidence Affects CEOs’ Investment Decisions

Guoli Chen

In uncertain climates, overconfident CEOs tend to invest less in assets that allow a firm to maintain strategic flexibility compared to non-overconfident CEOs.

Leadership & Organisations

Braggy Bosses Can Boost Their Teams

K. Nault, A. Yap

We love bosses who brag about their accomplishments – and loathe colleagues who do the same.

Leadership & Organisations

OpenAI's Crisis Is Yet Another Wake-Up Call

T. Evgeniou, Y. Lechell, L. Van der Heyden

Effective governance can save AI doomers, accelerationists, altruists and techno-capitalists from themselves.


AI Is Coming for All Our Jobs... Or Is It?

Rachel Eva Lim

How leaders, employees and organisations can better prepare themselves for the impact of AI.

Leadership & Organisations

How Networks Actually Harm Organisations

Jason P. Davis

Digital technologies create digital relationships that limit companies ability to innovate and change.

Leadership & Organisations

Ten Ways Boards Need to Transform

Annet Aris

How governance must pivot in the face of accelerating change.
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Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: November 2023 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on human morality, publishing cycles, manufacturing in low-income markets, virtual assessments in acute care services and sarcasm.

Leadership & Organisations

Escape the Grip of Greed and Envy

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Six steps to overcome the twin terrors of greed and envy and embrace being “good enough”.
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Leadership & Organisations

The Pitfalls of Giving Feedback Across Genders

Erin Meyer

To best navigate gender divides, pay attention to perceived power imbalances.
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Leadership & Organisations

How to Handle Dominant Leaders

Graham Ward

Is your boss acting like a guru? Take charge by asserting yourself and setting clear boundaries.

Leadership & Organisations

Why You’re Missing Out on the Best Ideas

S.Park, H. Piezunka, L. Dahlander

Businesses and leaders influence the kinds of ideas they receive without even realising it.


How Does Self-Serving Attribution Affect Strategic Decisions?

Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim

How a firm evaluates its past alliance performance can influence its choice between future alliances and acquisitions.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Handle Foolish People

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Exploring the roots of stupidity and strategies to combat the ignorance of others.

Leadership & Organisations

Making Stress Work for Organisations

F. J. Nitsch, L. V. Wassenhove

Moderate stress boosts performance. But can companies determine “optimal" stress levels for their employees?
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Leadership & Organisations

Giving Feedback Across Cultures

Erin Meyer

A direct approach that’s welcomed at home can be easily misinterpreted as aggressive elsewhere.

Leadership & Organisations

How Leadership Shapes Sustainability Governance

Ron Soonieus

Amid regulatory and societal pressures to meet sustainability standards, strong personal leadership in the boardroom is needed to ensure competitive advantage and corporate longevity.


Are Multiple Job Interview Rounds Really Necessary?

Chengyi Lin

How companies can simplify the process without compromising their evaluation of candidates.


A Simple Corporate Strategy for a Better Political Game

Xiaowei Rose Luo

Even within the same government, different branches may have divergent goals. Here’s how firms can play this to their advantage.

Leadership & Organisations

Strategies for Building and Boosting Psychological Safety

M. Mortensen, M. Guadalupe, N. Furr, H. Bresman

INSEAD research highlights practical approaches to integrate psychological safety into team dynamics.

Leadership & Organisations

Solving the Problem of Remote Work

Mark Mortensen

A framework to help leaders approach the topic more holistically and effectively.


A First Step Towards Resilient Organisations

Ekin Ilseven

Cultivating resilience in the face of organisational crises hinges on the foundation of a clear strategy, heightened awareness and robust reserves.


INSEAD Insights: September 2023 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on online marketplace dynamics, new market creation, trust in AI, diversity in corporate boards and consumer choices.

Family Business

The Power of Distinct Owners as Value Catalysts

M. Massa, L. Van der Heyden, K. Taraporevala

Uncovering the unique elements owners need to achieve business success and resilience.


Inside the Black Box Crucial to Megaproject Success

S. Shekshnia, V. Vyas

Despite their importance to the global economy, most megaprojects fail to be delivered on budget or schedule. Here’s how managers could improve on that dismal record.

Leadership & Organisations

Letting Go of the Urge to Rescue

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Exploring the motivations behind our need to help others and embracing a balanced approach to offering assistance.

Leadership & Organisations

Stop Going It Alone

Michael Jarrett

Negotiating radical organisational change needs to be a collective effort.
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A Holistic Approach to Navigating the New Workplace

Mark Mortensen

How to foster a thriving and sustainable workplace culture to contend with the realities of the new office.

Leadership & Organisations

Governance in the Age of Technological Innovation

Geraldine Ee

With new technologies redefining the global business ecosystem, how can boards navigate these changes and reinvent their business models?


What All Tech Start-Ups Need to Succeed

T. Evgeniou, L. Van der Heyden, Y. Lechelle

Governance exists to help tech entrepreneurs prevent value destruction from day one.


Retirement and Beyond: The Last Days of Executives

Jose-Luis Alvarez

How to plan for the end of the professional life and a smooth transition to retirement.

Leadership & Organisations

How Women Leaders Benefit From Using Humour

Ella Miron-Spektor

New research suggests that being funny helps leaders gain influence, and that women benefit more than men from using humour in public speaking.
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Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

A roadmap for identifying and overcoming the self-defeating habits that hold you back.
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Intellectual Honesty Is Critical for Innovation

Nathan Furr

Here’s how to balance psychological safety and intellectual honesty for better team performance.

Leadership & Organisations

How Corporate Thought Leadership Drives Business Success

Pawel Korzynski

What makes an organisation an opinion leader and how it affects business revenue.
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Leadership & Organisations

Joint Strategic Decisions: Do We All Need to Agree?

H. Piezunka, O. Schilke

How organisations’ decision-making rules affect the way individual managers vote.

Leadership & Organisations

Why the World Needs Ambidextrous Leaders

Charles Galunic

What the launch of ChatGPT can teach executives about leading in disruptive times.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Rapidly Test New Organisation Designs

Phanish Puranam

Instead of blindly adopting industry best practice, companies can use gamified randomised control trials to pilot new organisation designs.

Leadership & Organisations

It Doesn't Have to Be Lonely at the Top

Narayan Pant

Tips for leaders to gain valuable, actionable and informed feedback from their peers.


Demystifying China’s Internet Giants

Guoli Chen

A behind-the-scenes look at what makes or breaks China’s Big Tech flagbearers and their foreign exploits.


China’s Internet Giants: The Nuts and Bolts of Going Global

G. Chen, J. Li

The lowdown on how ByteDance, Shein and Xiaomi succeeded outside of China while WeChat failed.

Leadership & Organisations

ChatGPT and the Future of Business Education

P. Puranam, P. Dutt, P. Wibbens, A. Ovchinnikov, V. Sevcenko, T. Evgeniou, P. Parker

How ChatGPT can help – and hinder – research and learning at business schools.

Leadership & Organisations

How Storytelling Makes You a Better Leader

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Purposeful storytelling isn’t show business, it’s good business.
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Solving Grand Societal Challenges Through Creative Organisation Design

A. Szerb, I. Kivleniece, V. A. Aggarwal

Combining for-profit entrepreneurship with a non-profit social mission through novel organisation design can achieve scale and impact.

Leadership & Organisations

Why Hierarchies in Organisations Aren’t All Bad

P. Puranam, Ö. Koçak, D. A. Levinthal

Hierarchical structures can be useful even for teams that need to be agile.

Leadership & Organisations

Leading Change in Turbulence: Case of Discovery Inc.

J. Petriglieri, G. Petriglieri, M. Soldi

In this video, Marinella Soldi shares ways to navigate the turbulent waters of digital transformation and why it is important to tackle both the strategic and cultural facets of change.

Leadership & Organisations

When Two Isn’t Always Better Than One

M. Bikard, K. Vakili, F. Teodoridis

Receiving outsized credit can encourage individuals to work together even when it results in lower-quality output.


In Times of Chaos, Know Yourself

Marc Le Menestrel

Self-aware leaders see the beauty in chaos and look within to find meaningful solutions.


Twitter's Remarkable Mission in a Divided World

T. Evgeniou, L. Van der Heyden

Good governance is key to ensure that exceptional people, organisations and countries realise their full potential.

Leadership & Organisations

Our Best of 2022: Making Sense of an Uncertain World

INSEAD Knowledge

This year’s trending articles offer insights ranging from how to work and manage better to what the economy might hold in 2023.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Break Free From Herd Mentality

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Nurturing independent thought can help us overcome dangerous sheeple behaviour and groupthink.
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Managing in an Unimaginable World

José Santos

Business leaders can leverage serendipity to help their companies deal with far-reaching market shocks.


Collaborations That Are Bad for Business but Benefit Employees

H. Piezunka, T. Grohsjean

Sharing a partner with competing companies hinders the success of firms but helps employees’ careers.

Leadership & Organisations

Live Abroad to Excel in the Language of Leadership

INSEAD Knowledge

Leaders with broad multicultural experiences are better communicators and lead more effectively, particularly in multinational teams.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Change Someone’s Mind

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Powerful storytelling can awaken curiosity and challenge people to shift their outlook.
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Leadership & Organisations

The Really Simple Steps to Creating an Innovation Engine

Lee Seok Hwai

All companies need to do is give employees permission to generate ideas and nudge them in the right direction – then get out of the way, said Ben Bensaou in a Thinkers50 webinar.


GHG Emissions Reduction: Scientific Rigour and Stakeholder Engagement

A. Atasu, A. Cselotei

How a step-by-step approach to sustainability helped INSEAD ensure meaningful results.
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Leadership & Organisations

Navigating the New World of Work

Rachel Eva Lim

Firms need to focus on building an inclusive environment and a culture of trust to overcome the challenges of remote or hybrid work.


The Power of Networking in the New Economy

F. Godart, A. Mears

In today’s gig economy, fleeting ties can be valuable to the career of the gig worker.

Leadership & Organisations

Embracing Diversity With a Growth Mindset

K. Kuwabara, J. Cao

Getting along with others is about more than just having things in common.

Leadership & Organisations

Why Communication Breaks Down

P. Puranam, Ö. Koçak

As workplaces become more diverse and work becomes more distributed, it is more important than ever to converge on a common code for effective communication.

Leadership & Organisations

Why The World is Attracted to Neo-Authoritarian Leaders

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Leaders like Donald Trump do not rise in a vacuum. But what draws people to authoritarian rulers?
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Leadership & Organisations

How to Show Compassion Without Compromising on Performance

M. Mortensen, H. K. Gardner

Many leaders think they have to choose between delivering results and supporting employees’ needs. They don’t – but doing both sustainably requires careful navigation.

Leadership & Organisations

Could Living Near the Office Make You a Better CEO?

M. Bennedsen, M. D. Amore, B. Larsen

Besides enjoying a shorter commute, living close to the office may allow CEOs to boost ties with employees and the firm’s bottom line.

Leadership & Organisations

What Religion Teaches Us About Great Leadership

Elizabeth Florent Treacy

What can guiding figures and best practices in Judaism, Islam and Catholicism tell us about leadership?
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Leadership & Organisations

The Special Bond Behind Every Brilliant Idea

M. Lazar, E. Miron-Spektor, J. Mueller

The way we view ourselves shapes the way we develop and connect with our own ideas.

Leadership & Organisations

Paradox Mindset: The Source of Remarkable Creativity in Teams

E. Miron-Spektor, K. Emich, L. Argote, W. Smith

Teams are more successful if they embrace internal differences and explore conflicting ideas instead of glossing over them.

Leadership & Organisations

The X Factor in Crafting New CXO Roles Successfully

J. L. Alvarez, S. Svejenova

CXO roles have proliferated in recent decades, making it difficult for some title holders to find their footing in an ever-changing C-suite landscape.

Leadership & Organisations

Why Leaders Won’t Stop Waging Wars

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

War brings out the worst in people and destroys the very foundations of humanity.

Leadership & Organisations

Finding Meaning in Life

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Create a compelling self-narrative based on the five pillars that influence the way we experience meaning.
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Leadership & Organisations

Organising in the Metaverse: Five FAQs for Managers

V. F. He, P. Puranam

An explainer on how social interaction in all its forms might take place in the virtual universe.
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Leadership & Organisations

What the World Can Learn From Nordic Boards

S. Shekshnia, S. B. Jensen, L. Engstam

Proactive, engaged and democratic, corporate boards in Nordic countries are well-placed to deal with today’s increasingly complex operating environments.

Leadership & Organisations

Has Hybridity Killed Teamwork?

C. N. Hadley, M. Mortensen

The time has come to check whether the benefits of teamwork still outweigh the costs.

Leadership & Organisations

What It Means to Lead in a Multipolar World

H. Falcão, M. Le Menestrel

By overcoming our fears and creating a brave space for dialogue, we can relate and lead better in the new multipolar world.

Leadership & Organisations

Psychological Safety Unlocks the Potential of Diverse Teams

H. Bresman, A. C. Edmondson

The dissimilar backgrounds of diverse team members often result in clashes unless care is taken to create a psychologically safe environment.

Leadership & Organisations

Taming Your Inner Critic

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Eight concrete ways to lead a more contented life.


How Family-Work Conflict Keeps Us Glued to Our Mobile Phones

C. Trombini, M. Magni, M. Ahuja

Torn between family obligations and work, many people can’t resist working on their phones after hours, creating a downward spiral for their well-being and home life.

Leadership & Organisations

Creating People-Centric International Organisations With AI

R. McLachlin, K. Tatarinov, T. Ambos, P. Puranam

The United Nations is both a fascinating playground for artificial intelligence applications and a showcase of AI implementation problems and solutions.


ENGIE: Powering the Energy Transition With Data

P. Boza, T. Evgeniou, M. Sarkar

What does it take for a utility company to develop a data- and AI-driven software business?
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Family Business

When Two Leaders Collide, the Result Can Be Less Fraud

Y. Guo, X. R. Luo, D. Li

When the head of a family firm ranks lower in the family hierarchy than another leader at that firm, the misalignment can help prevent fraud in the emerging market context.

Leadership & Organisations

Rethinking the Role of Leaders in the Creative Process

S. Harrison, E. Rouse

A strong vision and a more disciplined approach can actually equal more creative results.
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Leadership & Organisations

In Praise of Dictators: A Satire

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Liberal democracies are on the decline.
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The Start-Up Blind Spot That Trips New Ventures

Phanish Puranam

Having a great business plan is not enough. Start-ups also need good organisation design.

Leadership & Organisations

How Conversations About Work Affect Closeness

Spencer Harrison

'The 36 Questions That Lead to Love’ can teach us something about fostering connectedness and trust in the organisation.

Leadership & Organisations

Into the Mind of White-Collar Criminals

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

What society and business schools can do to stop corporate crimes.

Leadership & Organisations

Gratitude Is More Powerful Than You Think

C. Trombini, P. M. Tang, R. Ilies

Regular appreciation and thanks from service users can make a huge difference in the lives of burnt out essential workers.

Leadership & Organisations

Senior Leaders As Chief Reframing Officers

Ben M. Bensaou

The important role of leaders in giving their employees the space and permission to get creative.
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Leadership & Organisations

Making Sure That Everyone Knows Their Place

A. Yap, N. Madan, P. Puranam

Why formal structures and greater diversity create status disagreements and how to fix the issue.


Lessons in Sustainable Change Management: #deCOALonize Kenya

W. Mungai, L. White, Z. Kinias

The campaign to prevent the construction of a coal power plant on an idyllic island in the Indian Ocean.

Leadership & Organisations

Should Employees Be Allowed to Choose What They Want to Do?

P. Puranam, M. Raveendran

The degree of specialisation is the deciding factor.
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Six Global Trends in Business and Society

I. Mihov, K. Le Goulven, M. Stabile

A stark look at the risks business education must address in 2022.
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Leadership & Organisations

Meditating Away a Guilty Conscience

A. C. Hafenbrack, M. LaPalme, I. Solal

Mindfulness meditation can make one feel less bad about moral violations as well as lessen the desire to make amends.
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Leadership & Organisations

Carpe Diem: Don’t Postpone Your Dreams

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Far from a hedonistic cry, carpe diem instructs us to live a life of meaning.
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Leadership & Organisations

AI: A World of New Opportunity and Risk

T. Evgeniou, K. Firth-Butterfield, A. Sarkar, C. Zimmerman

A new toolkit for C-suite execs on how to responsibly adopt artificial intelligence.
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Leadership & Organisations

Middle Managers: The Forgotten Heroes of Innovation

Ben M. Bensaou

The importance of building a support network to implement promising ideas.

Leadership & Organisations

How Nasdaq’s Board Diversity Rule Creates Potential for Real Change

F. Henderson, Z. Kinias, C. Zeisberger

The new rules requiring qualitative and quantitative disclosure about board diversity will better inform investors and (hopefully) spur further progress.

Leadership & Organisations

Seven Ways to Put Procrastination Behind You

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Don’t chalk it up to a lack of motivation.

Leadership & Organisations

The Pursuit of Purpose May Be Harming Your Organisation

Winnie Jiang

People who see their work as a calling tend to be regarded as better employees, with unintended consequences for co-workers as well as their organisation.
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Leadership & Organisations

Post-Pandemic, Firms Need Chief Social Connectivity Officers

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

In this new hybrid working environment, people shouldn’t go to the office to stare at their computer, but to connect.

Leadership & Organisations

Innovation Is Everyone’s Business

Ben M. Bensaou

Offering employees the tools and motivation to create ideas is the key to an innovative organisation.

Leadership & Organisations

Aligning Individual and Organisational Values

M. Guadalupe, Z. Kinias, F. Schloderer

How employees’ personal values fit within their organisation.
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Leadership & Organisations

Covid Has Accentuated Our Every Vice

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Of all seven deadly sins, leaders need to guard against pride.

Leadership & Organisations

The Politics of Influence in Top Management Team Meetings

M. Jarrett, F. Liu, S. Maitlis

Interactions between the chief executive and other members of the top management team appear to follow distinct scripts. Managers who take note can boost their standing or stay out of harm’s way.

Leadership & Organisations

Is Stargazing Your Preferred Management Style?

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

For too many leaders, astrology acts as a crutch that gives them a false sense of control in an uncertain world.

Leadership & Organisations

Three Steps to Optimising Your Firm’s Hybrid Work Strategy

Mark Mortensen

You need a strong process to reconcile the needs and wants of your various stakeholders.

Leadership & Organisations

When Authenticity Means Conflict: Towards a Truly Inclusive Organisation

Natalia Karelaia

Rightfully celebrated, authenticity in the workplace may have some limitations.

Leadership & Organisations

What Distinguishes the Super Rich From the Rest of Us

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Peeking into the inner theatre of the seriously wealthy.

Leadership & Organisations

Cancelled by Association: How Stigma Spreads in Different Cultures

Tianyu He

The tendency to stigmatise others for misdeeds committed by family members appears to extend to even acquaintances and is stronger in close-knit cultures.

Leadership & Organisations

The Essence of Agility and Resilience After Covid

P. Zemsky, S. Hasija

Navigating unprecedented levels of uncertainty takes a careful combination of technology and talent.

Leadership & Organisations

How “Mind-Body Dissonance” Leads to Creative Thinking

Li Huang

Hacking human evolution to unlock innovative potential in our brains.

Leadership & Organisations

How the Afterglow of Victory Boosts Future Performance

Miguel Sousa Lobo

When we perform well together, we feel less tense with each other, and when we feel less tense with each other, we perform better.

Leadership & Organisations

Six Steps to Overcome Shame

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

As old as time and very much universal, feelings of shame can lead to self-destructive behaviour in even the best of leaders.
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Leadership & Organisations

Three Dimensions of Leadership Agility

Renita Kalhorn

There is one certainty in a VUCA world: The solution that works today may not work tomorrow.

Leadership & Organisations

Marked for Disruption, Deep in Denial: Law Firms at a Crossroads

A. Fruehmann, R. Lehman

The greatest threat to the survival of law firms isn’t technological, but psychological.

Leadership & Organisations

Mixing Business and Pleasure for Competitive Advantage

E. Miron-Spektor, M. Lazar

A recent study shows how entrepreneurial team formation can be improved by combining two established strategies.

Leadership & Organisations

The Complex Psychology of Covid-19 Compliance

Wilson Cyrus Lai

Three main psychological factors helped determine whether people responded to first-wave Covid restrictions with deference or defiance.

Leadership & Organisations

Two CEOs, No Drama: Ground Rules for Co-Leadership

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

The co-CEO model can actually work. Here’s how.