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Can We Stop Giants From Failing Us?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

Hard landings by companies from Boeing to large investment banks could have been prevented with the right policy levers.

illustration of an electric vehicle

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.

Managing supply chain risks

Rethinking sourcing strategies can mitigate operational risks posed by growing ideological differences.


How LVMH, the world's largest luxury conglomerate, maintains relevance in a rapidly changing market.

illustration of person looking out with binoculars

The top threats to business and the greatest opportunities for impact in the year ahead.


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Can We Stop Giants From Failing Us?

A. Bhardwaj, L. Van Wassenhove, H. Akkermans

Hard landings by companies from Boeing to large investment banks could have been prevented with the right policy levers.


How Incumbents Can Win the EV War

C. Lin, L. Shen

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.


Managing Supply Chain Risks in the Age of Trump

Ben Charoenwong

Rethinking sourcing strategies can mitigate operational risks posed by growing ideological differences.


Heritage Meets Innovation: Staying Relevant in Luxury

F. Godart, J. Guiony

How LVMH, the world's largest luxury conglomerate, maintains relevance in a rapidly changing market.


Five Global Trends in Business and Society in 2025

P. Joos, K. Le Goulven, F. Veloso

The top threats to business and the greatest opportunities for impact in the year ahead.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Stakeholders & Local Contexts

Lite Nartey

To be successful in the long run, businesses need to embrace more inclusive and tailored sustainable practices.

Economics & Finance

The World Economy in 2025

INSEAD Knowledge

Professor Antonio Fatás sizes up the major issues that could disrupt the global economy this year.

Leadership & Organisations

Change Management: How Leaders Can Tip the Scales

Vibha Gaba

Navigating the complex dynamics of organisational networks.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: January 2025 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Enhancing financial stability, using AI to improve strategic decision-making, reducing relational overload in organisations and other research findings.
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Economics & Finance

Crypto’s Compliance Conundrum

B. Charoenwong, J. Reiter

The United States is set for a regulatory shakeup. But balancing decentralisation and compliance remains a fundamental challenge.


Buy then Build: Be an Entrepreneur Without the Start-Up

I. Naumovska, K. Olateju

Forget coding in garages — a growing number of entrepreneurs are skipping the start-up grind and buying existing businesses instead.


Empowering Africa’s Social Enterprises

D. Mathuva, V. D. Rao, A. Ndunge

With the right support, religious sisters are transforming charities into sustainable social enterprises, increasing female leadership along the way.

Economics & Finance

What’s in the Price?

Joel Peress

How uncertainty about what information is incorporated in the stock price shapes trading behaviour, returns and price informativeness.

Leadership & Organisations

The Art of Delegation

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

A framework for developing this critical leadership skill.


How to Uncover a Company’s True Culture

C. Harbour, A. Tirard, G. Ward

Eight tips to evaluate if your next role is right for you.


So, You Have a Coach, Now What?

D. Deasy, E. Li

How leaders can get the most out of an effective coaching relationship.


Is India the Next Global Luxury Hub?

D. Dubois, N. Kohli, E. Agarwal, S. Lulla, S. Pretczynska, M. Bhat

India looks set to be the luxury market’s next growth driver. Here’s how brands can make their mark.

Leadership & Organisations

Hope Is a Skill We All Need to Practise

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How to harness the power of hope when the road ahead feels uncertain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Our Best of 2024

INSEAD Knowledge

A round-up of impactful takeaways on generative AI, sustainability, organisational dynamics and much more by INSEAD faculty.


Decoding AI Adoption

P. Zemsky, R. Wong

How region, industry and company size impacts open-weight AI use by developers.


Lessons in Sustainability

Peter Joos

Why we need to embrace new approaches to research, teaching and learning.


Talk About Making a Good Exit

G. Ward, I. Lebbe

Both firms and individuals benefit from discussing the emotional as well as practical side of retirement.


INSEAD Insights: December 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Overcoming AI aversion, confronting career frictions, unpacking “creativity scars” and other research findings.


INSEAD Explains: Sustainability as a Business Strategy

Karel Cool

How companies can create competitive advantage by focusing on innovation that meets the demands of society and consumers.

Leadership & Organisations

In Layoffs, Focus on the Human Element

Andy J. Yap

Clear and transparent communication can mitigate the impact on workers – and set the company up for long-term success.


The Power of AI to Shape Negotiations

Horacio Falcão

How to harness the vast potential of AI to enhance negotiation outcomes – while navigating its challenges.


How Businesses Can Survive the AI "Black Hole"

Jason P. Davis

Why a balanced, experimental approach to GenAI might offer companies the best chance of navigating an uncertain future.


How NGO Activism Can Move the Dial for Sustainability

Thomas Keusch

Beyond making “noise”, NGOs are making real impact by influencing companies to act more responsibly.


Your Money or Your Points

S. Y. Chun, V. Satopaa

How companies can optimise airline miles and other loyalty programmes for maximum profit and customer engagement.


Make Them Laugh, Sell Them Stuff

A. Borah, V. Sood

Humour makes marketing sing – when you do it right.
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Leadership & Organisations

How to Assess Personality Using AI

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

Personality assessments are widely used to evaluate organisational fit. AI can help improve this process – but there are caveats.


Why Indian Climate Tech Is the Sector to Watch

G. Gadamsetty, I. Havens, A. Sonthalia, B. Vissa

India’s climate tech growth opens doors for entrepreneurs and investors to drive sustainability.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Dismantle Hierarchies in Teams

Michael Y. Lee

Why teams often fail in their attempts to “go flat” and how they can set themselves up for success.

Economics & Finance

Can Family Tax Benefits Improve Children’s Outcomes?

K. Koebel, M. Stabile

Robust financial support policies for families can help reduce poverty and positively impact children’s mental health – though their effect on educational outcomes is less clear.

Economics & Finance

Unlocking Opportunities in the Age of Digital Finance

Massimo Massa

Fintech and techfin innovations are opening doors for traditional players to reinvent themselves.


INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Corporate Social Responsibility

Amitava Chattopadhyay

This episode explores how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can be used as pilot projects for larger sustainability schemes.


How Incumbents Can Win the EV War

C. Lin, L. Shen

Rather than following the playbook of Chinese EV companies, incumbents should adopt a more strategic approach tailored to their unique strengths.

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Stakeholders & Local Contexts

Lite Nartey

To be successful in the long run, businesses need to embrace more inclusive and tailored sustainable practices.

Leadership & Organisations

Change Management: How Leaders Can Tip the Scales

Vibha Gaba

Navigating the complex dynamics of organisational networks.

Leadership & Organisations

The Art of Delegation

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

A framework for developing this critical leadership skill.

Leadership & Organisations

Hope Is a Skill We All Need to Practise

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How to harness the power of hope when the road ahead feels uncertain.
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Leadership & Organisations

Our Best of 2024

INSEAD Knowledge

A round-up of impactful takeaways on generative AI, sustainability, organisational dynamics and much more by INSEAD faculty.

Leadership & Organisations

In Layoffs, Focus on the Human Element

Andy J. Yap

Clear and transparent communication can mitigate the impact on workers – and set the company up for long-term success.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Assess Personality Using AI

E. Gattegno, N. Klein

Personality assessments are widely used to evaluate organisational fit. AI can help improve this process – but there are caveats.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Dismantle Hierarchies in Teams

Michael Y. Lee

Why teams often fail in their attempts to “go flat” and how they can set themselves up for success.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: November 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New tax collection strategies, mitigating AI risks in healthcare, the luck of CEOs and other research findings.


How to Get the Most Out of a Diverse Board

Guoli Chen

Formal and informal social structures can enhance the positive effect of deep-level diversity while weakening the negative impact of surface-level diversity.


Beyond ESG: Why We Need A Novel Approach

U. G. Schulte, L. Van der Heyden

Standardised sustainability metrics will drive real progress.
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Leadership & Organisations

Understanding The Whole Picture

D. Deasy, E. Li

The benefits of group coaching for organisational change and impact.
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Leadership & Organisations

Leadership Team Alignment: Lessons From the Trenches

F. Godart, A. Tirard

A conversation with top pharma CEO Elcin Barker Ergun on how aligning senior leaders will lead to organisational success.

Economics & Finance

INSEAD Insights: October 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

What to know when delegating pricing decisions to agents, how to grow trust within networks and other research findings.


What Motivates Companies to Act Responsibly

N. C. Smith and M. Scholz

When facing complex global challenges, ethical leadership plays a crucial role in determining whether companies prioritise societal well-being or profits.

Leadership & Organisations

Leaders Who Tell Stories Rule the World

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How harnessing the power of storytelling can help leaders effect change – not only in others but also themselves.


INSEAD Insights: September 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

How consumers perceive loyalty programmes, the drawbacks of collective learning, what shapes a start-up’s culture and more findings from recent research.

Leadership & Organisations

Coping With Disruption

A. Aris, K. Skogen Lund

How boards of incumbent companies can safeguard value creation when launching new businesses.

Leadership & Organisations

Step Out of the Lab

Ithai Stern

When inventor CEOs should let others lead innovation.


Why Founders Benefit From Going to School

H. Greve, F. Veloso

A new survey debunks the idea that an MBA won’t help you become a successful entrepreneur.

Leadership & Organisations

Crises, Stakeholders and Merger Success

L. Capron, M. Guillén, M-A. Very

How economic shocks weaken the influence of shareholders and employees on acquisition outcomes.

Leadership & Organisations

The Importance of Knowing Your Team

D. Deasy, E. Li

Reading people is not enough; good leaders need to build a culture of open curiosity.

Leadership & Organisations

How the Right Team Can Outshine Star Power

Vlad Mares

The future of innovation belongs not to geniuses but well-combined teams.

Leadership & Organisations

Can Senior Politicians Teach Executives How to Lead?

Jose-Luis Alvarez

How to use political strategies for positive impact in the C-suite.

Leadership & Organisations

How to Mitigate Resentment in Your Team

Nadav Klein

Creating co-dependencies among team members could help foster more harmonious team dynamics.

Leadership & Organisations

How Teaming Supercharges Collaboration

S. Shekshnia, S. Vorobiev

NASA does it. We show how your organisation can embrace teaming, too.
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Leadership & Organisations

Navigating the Future With a Human Touch

Graham Ward

How human-centred leadership is key to addressing the challenges and opportunities of AI

Leadership & Organisations

INSEAD Insights: July 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on productive misunderstandings, corporate good deeds that hurt, the effectiveness of governance practices, the human dimension of climate change, and when short selling doesn’t lead to pricing efficiency.

Leadership & Organisations

How Can Companies Rethink the Idea of Productivity?

Henrik Bresman

By broadening their definition of productivity beyond conventional metrics, organisations can nurture a happier and healthier workforce to achieve better overall performance.

Leadership & Organisations

America’s Problem With Its CEO

P. Nathanial, L. Van der Heyden

The US imperial leadership culture, embodied by President Biden clinging on to power and former President Trump’s abuse of it, risks damaging American democracy.

Leadership & Organisations

Can You Collaborate With Someone You Compete Against?

T. Grohsjean, H. Piezunka, M. Mickler

When team members compete outside of the workplace, their relationship and willingness to cooperate take a hit.


The Biggest Winners of GenAI

P. M. Parker, H. Piezunka, A. S. Ovchinnikov

AI coming for your job? Truth is, for specific roles, generative technologies can be more godsend than threat.

Leadership & Organisations

Tackling the Third Sales Transformation

Jean-Claude Larreche

A new business reality has shifted the role of sales professionals within firms.


Connecting Across Disconnections

K. Snellman, D. Pollenne

Amid recent pushback, maintaining robust diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives will require a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
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INSEAD Insights: June 2024 Research Picks

Lily Fang

New findings on factors for successful post-merger integrations, investor behaviour, the benefits of learning from others, how to communicate with investors in tough times and milking brand rivalry.