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Green Views for Healthier Diets

P. Chandon, M. Langlois

How natural settings inspire people to make healthier eating choices.


Etiquette as a Luxury Brand-Building Tool

D. Dubois, E. Cousteau

How the luxury and prestige industries create immersive experiences to attract and deeply connect with their clients.


Mine Your Language

Abhishek Borah

How text mining can unearth novel, absorbing and valuable findings.


To Counter Misinformation, Strengthen Human Connection

David Dubois

How boosting social bonds can reduce belief in conspiracy theories and the spreading of dangerous lies.


The Three Next-Generation Marketing Skills You Need

W. Ulaga, C. Senn

Companies must secure “killer marketing and sales skills” in a dynamic landscape where commercial competencies rapidly become obsolete.


Ten Ways AI Is Transforming Marketing

H. Mann, J. Niessing

Firms will soon be able to decode the unsaid when interacting with consumers – in fact, some already do.


How Negative Reviews Affect Online Consumers

P. Albuquerque, M. Varga

Negative reviews influence consumer decisions depending on the type of product, as well as the nature and placement of these reviews.


The Positive Effect of Multiple Narrating Voices

Amitava Chattopadhyay

Using two or more narrators in ads can increase consumer attention and boost persuasion.


How to Destigmatise Repulsive Products

S. Harrison, S. Nurmohamed

Entrepreneurs can leverage “dirty creativity” to pitch unusual products that consumers may find objectionable.


INSEAD Insights: September 2023 Research Picks

Lily Fang

Recent findings on online marketplace dynamics, new market creation, trust in AI, diversity in corporate boards and consumer choices.


How Tech Transforms Luxury Brands’ Value Proposition

David Dubois

Luxury brands are increasingly leveraging technology to reduce uncertainty and enrich experience throughout the customer journey.


How Luxury Consumers Can Seem More Authentic

S. Jung, A. J. Yap, C. Chen

Consumers can mitigate the negative social consequences of wearing luxury items by publicly revealing their passion for the products or brands.
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Customer Engagement in a Circular Economy

W. Ulaga, C. Senn

Embracing circular business models unlocks opportunities for companies to engage with customers, optimise resource utilisation and ensure a sustainable future.


From Super-Sized to Superior Gratification

Pierre Chandon

Why we need to focus on eating as pleasure if we want to start eating healthier.


Thoughtful Consumption for Well-Being and Sustainability

H. Plassmann, S. Rangan, E. Hansmeyer

Understanding consumer behaviour is key to making fashion more sustainable.