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World Effie Festival 2008 - Simon Clift

Andrew Shipilov

Professor of Strategy


Andrew Shipilov is a Professor of Strategy and the John H Loudon Chair of International Management at INSEAD. In 2014, Professor Shipilov received a prestigious Emerging Scholar Award from the Strategic Management Society. He is an expert in the areas of strategy, innovation, and networks. His current academic research examines how social networks, strategic alliances, and partnerships affect firm's competitive advantage.

His newest book is Network Advantage: How to Unlock Value from Your Alliances and Partnerships

At INSEAD, Professor Shipilov teaches and directs Executive Education programmes on competitive strategy, collaborative strategy, and Blue Ocean Strategy. From 2010, he is an Academic Director of the
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy open programme. Andrew Shipilov is directing Building Digital Partnerships and Ecosystems and Managing Partnerships and Strategic Alliances.

His clients include Abbott Labs, IBM, Microsoft Corp., Bayer, BNP Paribas, Royal Dutch Shell and other well-known companies.

Professor Shipilov's work has been published in the leading management journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Social Networks, Strategic Organization, Industrial and Corporate Change, Managerial and Decision Economics. He also published in Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Talent Management Magazine.

He is an editorial board member of the Strategic Management Journal.

His research received prizes from the Academy of Management, the leading international association of management researchers.

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What Makes Business Ecosystems Succeed?

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The Five Essential Roles of Corporate Ecosystems

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Don’t Confuse Platforms with Ecosystems

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