Series Overview
Crossroads: Business & Society
Empowering Africa’s Social Enterprises
With the right support, religious sisters are transforming charities into sustainable social enterprises, increasing female leadership along the way.
Future of Management
How the Right Team Can Outshine Star Power
The future of innovation belongs not to geniuses but well-combined teams.
AI: Disruption and Adaptation
Decoding AI Adoption
How region, industry and company size impacts open-weight AI use by developers.
Sustainable Business
The Life of Giants: A Life-Cycle View of Wind Turbines
As enthusiasm to harness offshore wind energy hits a high, here’s the lowdown on what affects its long-term viability.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Connecting Across Disconnections
Amid recent pushback, maintaining robust diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives will require a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
Healthcare Management
Improving Access to Drugs: The Critical Role of Supply Chain Risk
A simple way of thinking about medical criticality, supply chain risk and their interactions can lead to more sustainable solutions for drug shortages.
Corporate Governance
How to Get the Most Out of a Diverse Board
Formal and informal social structures can enhance the positive effect of deep-level diversity while weakening the negative impact of surface-level diversity.
Blue Ocean Strategy
A Nondisruptive Approach to the Environment
Companies can help the transition to a greener economy without sacrificing their financial interests.
Gender Initiative
Connecting Across Disconnections
Amid recent pushback, maintaining robust diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives will require a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
How to Boost Health Product Supplies in Developing Regions
Are development banks and philanthropic foundations using the right incentives to encourage global life sciences companies to cater to underserved markets?