INSEAD Explains: Sustainability as a Business Strategy
How companies can create competitive advantage by focusing on innovation that meets the demands of society and consumers.
INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Corporate Social Responsibility
This episode explores how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can be used as pilot projects for larger sustainability schemes.
INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Nutrition and Health
This episode spotlights the influential role of the food industry, and food marketing in particular, on consumer health and well-being.
INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Circular Economy
This episode highlights where circularity can begin and how it can end – when not done right.
Generating Value from GenAI
Organisations need experimentation, partnerships and the right talent and systems.
The Biggest Winners of GenAI
AI coming for your job? Truth is, for specific roles, generative technologies can be more godsend than threat.
Four Ways GenAI Can Give You a Competitive Edge
How to put generative AI to work for your business.
Paving the Way for NFTs
While specific use cases may warrant regulation, applying broad rules to NFTs would be akin to regulating fire or bricks.
The World Economy in 2024: Are We Back on Track?
Professor Antonio Fatás explores the long and short-term trends shaping the global economic landscape.
The World’s Most Talent Competitive Countries, 2023
The tenth anniversary edition of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index reveals changing attitudes and persistent trends.