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Negotiating Beyond Win-Win

H. Falcão, R. Swaab, E. L. Uhlmann

Constructive dialogues and sustainable negotiation strategies can bring us closer to a more humane world.

Leadership & Organisations

Tackling the Third Sales Transformation

Jean-Claude Larreche

A new business reality has shifted the role of sales professionals within firms.

Leadership & Organisations

Coaching As Collaboration

D. Deasy and E. Li

The benefits of group coaching to the individual and the organisation.


Love Your Job or Leave It? Maybe There's Another Way

Winnie Jiang

How to find meaning in any job and steer your career in a new direction.


Mine Your Language

Abhishek Borah

How text mining can unearth novel, absorbing and valuable findings.


Grow Your Networks With a Growth Mindset

Ko Kuwabara

What if changing your mindset could take the struggles out of networking?

Leadership & Organisations

How Leaders Can Effect Change by Changing Themselves

Narayan Pant

A four-step framework to help leaders look inwards to better lead organisational change.

Leadership & Organisations

X-Teams: Three Principles to Guide Today’s Leaders

Henrik Bresman

In a VUCA world that’s gone on steroids, mere internal alignment won’t cut it.

Leadership & Organisations

How Networks Actually Harm Organisations

Jason P. Davis

Digital technologies create digital relationships that limit companies ability to innovate and change.


Regrowing Local Roots

Yves Doz

Why and how to reinvent multinational management skills


The Making of Start-Up Ecosystems

Chiara Spina

Strategies to nurture thriving hubs for new ventures.


Mastering the Game: The Advantage of AI Training

Henning Piezunka

In the same way chess computers gave players a competitive edge, AI has the power to elevate skills and enhance performance.