Francisco Veloso
Professor of Strategy
Francisco Veloso is the Dean of INSEAD since 1 September 2023, leading the school across its full range of activities and four locations.
Previously, he was the Dean of Imperial College Business School, and before that, the Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics. Francisco spent the formative years of his academic career at Carnegie Mellon University, where he became a Full Professor and retains an adjunct appointment.
During his tenure at Imperial College, Francisco led the school through a period of significant growth and bolstered its position as a preeminent global business school. It was recognised for its research excellence, including an outstanding REF result, developing strong externally sponsored initiatives in sustainability, digital transformation, entrepreneurship and health. The school also pushed the frontier of digital and hybrid teaching and increased the impact of its programmes, including the launch of its first full bachelor's degree. Finally, Imperial substantially extended the collaboration across the university, including the establishment of interdisciplinary initiatives in areas such as deep tech entrepreneurship and AI.
For the five years before joining Imperial, Francisco was the Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, steering the School to become an institution with international reach and recognition, multiplying international student numbers several fold, and doubling the school’s research presence in top international journals.
Francisco´s research focuses on high tech innovation and entrepreneurship. He has several dozen publications in leading academic journals and has won several international awards for his academic work, including the Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellowship, the Stan Hardy award for the outstanding paper published in Operations Management, as well as a variety of competitive research grants. He is a dedicated educator, with thousands of hours of degree and non-degree teaching, as well as the supervision of more than ten PhD dissertations, five of which won international awards.
He regularly works as a consultant and advisor to of start-ups, established firms, universities, and government around the world. He is currently a Non-Executive Board Member at Arica Holding b.v. and Movendo Capital b.v. Francisco was a member of RISE – Research, Innovation and Science Experts High-Level Advisory Body to the European Commissioner on Science, Technology and Innovation, as well as member of the Portuguese Government Councils for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Science & Technology. He is also a former President of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese Business Angels Society.
Francisco is an active contributor to the key international business school accreditation agencies, AACSB, EFMD and AMBA, having participated in over ten school accreditation assessments. He is currently on the Global Board of Directors of the AACSB and a member of its Innovation Committee.
Francisco has a PhD in Technology, Management and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as an MSc in Economics and Management of Science & Technology, and an Undergraduate Degree in Physics Engineering, both from the University of Lisbon.
Previously, he was the Dean of Imperial College Business School, and before that, the Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics. Francisco spent the formative years of his academic career at Carnegie Mellon University, where he became a Full Professor and retains an adjunct appointment.
During his tenure at Imperial College, Francisco led the school through a period of significant growth and bolstered its position as a preeminent global business school. It was recognised for its research excellence, including an outstanding REF result, developing strong externally sponsored initiatives in sustainability, digital transformation, entrepreneurship and health. The school also pushed the frontier of digital and hybrid teaching and increased the impact of its programmes, including the launch of its first full bachelor's degree. Finally, Imperial substantially extended the collaboration across the university, including the establishment of interdisciplinary initiatives in areas such as deep tech entrepreneurship and AI.
For the five years before joining Imperial, Francisco was the Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, steering the School to become an institution with international reach and recognition, multiplying international student numbers several fold, and doubling the school’s research presence in top international journals.
Francisco´s research focuses on high tech innovation and entrepreneurship. He has several dozen publications in leading academic journals and has won several international awards for his academic work, including the Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellowship, the Stan Hardy award for the outstanding paper published in Operations Management, as well as a variety of competitive research grants. He is a dedicated educator, with thousands of hours of degree and non-degree teaching, as well as the supervision of more than ten PhD dissertations, five of which won international awards.
He regularly works as a consultant and advisor to of start-ups, established firms, universities, and government around the world. He is currently a Non-Executive Board Member at Arica Holding b.v. and Movendo Capital b.v. Francisco was a member of RISE – Research, Innovation and Science Experts High-Level Advisory Body to the European Commissioner on Science, Technology and Innovation, as well as member of the Portuguese Government Councils for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Science & Technology. He is also a former President of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese Business Angels Society.
Francisco is an active contributor to the key international business school accreditation agencies, AACSB, EFMD and AMBA, having participated in over ten school accreditation assessments. He is currently on the Global Board of Directors of the AACSB and a member of its Innovation Committee.
Francisco has a PhD in Technology, Management and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as an MSc in Economics and Management of Science & Technology, and an Undergraduate Degree in Physics Engineering, both from the University of Lisbon.
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