Henri-Claude de Bettignies
Henri-Claude de Bettignies, the Aviva Chair Emeritus Professor of Leadership and Responsibility and Emeritus Professor of Asian Business and Comparative Management at INSEAD is also the Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Globally Responsible Leadership at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and former Director of the Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility (ECCLAR) that he created in Shanghai, at CEIBS, in 2006. Between 1988 and 2005, with a joint appointment at Stanford University (Graduate School of Business), he shared his time equally between Europe, California and the Asia Pacific region (particularly with the INSEAD campus in Asia). He was educated at the Sorbonne (Licence ès Lettres), at the Catholic University of Paris (EPP), then at the Harvard Business School (ITP). He worked in Africa (MIFERMA, Mauritania), at the University of California (IIR, Berkeley), in New York (for IBM), and then in Tokyo for 5 years
Professor de Bettignies joined INSEAD in 1967 as Assistant Professor and initiated the development of the Organisational Behaviour department. Professor since 1975, he started and developed INSEAD’s activities in Japan and the Asia Pacific region which led, in 1980, to the creation of the Euro-Asia Centre, of which he was Director General until 1988. Professor de Bettignies started the development of the Ethics initiative at INSEAD, and pioneered a new approach (AVIRA) to enlighten business leaders. Over a 16 years period the AVIRA programme brought together - in Fontainebleau, California and Singapore – 900 Chairmen and CEOs from 60 countries, keen to enrich their vision and enhance their “responsible” leadership competence.
Henri-Claude teaches MBAs, E-MBAs and executives at CEIBS and at INSEAD in the areas of ethics and CSR, HR management and corporate transformation, culture and management. He directs a number of executive programmes in Europe and in Asia. He is the Founder and Director of CEDRE (Centre for the Study of Development and Responsibility).
Among the books published under his name are: The Management of Change (Edit. d’Organisation), Business Transformation in China (Thompson Business Press, 1996), The Changing Business Environment in the Asia Pacific Region (Thompson Business Press, 1997), Trade & Investment in the Asia Pacific Region (TPB, 1997). He has co-authored Le Japon (Flammarion, 1998), Business Ethics: Policies and Persons (McGraw Hill, 2005), and (with F. Lepineux) two books: Business, Globalization and the Common Good (Peter Lang, Oxford, 2009) and Finance for a Better World: The Shift toward Sustainability (Palgrave, 2009). His latest book (with M. Thompson) is Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good (Garant, 2010). He was the lead editor of Practical Wisdom for Management from the Chinese classical Tradition (JMD, Vol. 30, N° 7/8, 2011).
Many of his contributions have appeared in books and in more than 50 articles in business and professional journals. He is on the Editorial Board of The Journal of Asian Business, Chinese Management Studies, International Studies of Management & Organization, The Asian Academy of Management Journal, Corporate Governance: the International Journal of Business and Society, Finance & Common Good. He is on the International Advisory Board of The International Association for China Management Research (IACMR), Asian Business and Management (Kuala Lumpur), The University of the Common Good (Brussels), the International Centre for Corporate Accountability (New York), SPES (Leuven), GRLI (Brussels), Shiyao Investment (Shanghai), InnoCSR (Shanghai), Zermatt Forum (Geneva), etc. He was on the Board of Jones Lang LaSalle (1999-2009).
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