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INSEAD Knowledge


INSEAD Knowledge is the expert opinion and management insights portal of INSEAD, The Business School for the World. We showcase the latest business thinking and views from award-winning faculty and global contributors. 

Our articles, which are also available on a tablet and smartphone app, feature insights on leadership, organisations, economics and finance, strategy, entrepreneurship, operations management, marketing, careers, family business and responsibility. It is a free resource for global executives and managers looking for answers to business challenges. You will find articles, blogs, podcasts and video interviews that cover all of INSEAD's disciplines. 

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INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Nutrition and Health

Pierre Chandon

This episode spotlights the influential role of the food industry, and food marketing in particular, on consumer health and well-being.
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INSEAD Explains Sustainability: Circular Economy

Atalay Atasu

This episode highlights where circularity can begin and how it can end – when not done right.

Leadership & Organisations

Leaders Who Tell Stories Rule the World

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

How harnessing the power of storytelling can help leaders effect change – not only in others but also themselves.


Negotiating Beyond Win-Win

H. Falcão, R. Swaab, E. L. Uhlmann

Constructive dialogues and sustainable negotiation strategies can bring us closer to a more humane world.

Leadership & Organisations

Tackling the Third Sales Transformation

Jean-Claude Larreche

A new business reality has shifted the role of sales professionals within firms.

Leadership & Organisations

Coaching As Collaboration

D. Deasy and E. Li

The benefits of group coaching to the individual and the organisation.