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Mrinalini Reddy


Mrinalini Reddy is web editor at INSEAD.

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An Online Travel Startup Grows Up

M. Reddy, A. Bajpai

India-based iXiGO launched five years ago in a nascent online travel sector that’s since mushroomed into one of India’s most competitive companies. Now the company has received a new round of venture-backed funding. What next?

Economics & Finance

Will multinationals from the emerging world take over?

Today's emerging markets are also "emerging" as big businesses on a global stage. What explains their success and how serious of a threat are they to dominant multinationals in the West?

Economics & Finance

New or improved: What consumers really want

Do companies require radical innovations to woo consumers? New research suggests…no!
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Selling soap to Nigeria: One Indian conglomerate goes beyond

India is the darling of investors looking to benefit from the rapid growth of emerging markets. But well-established Indian companies are looking for growth, too, and they are finding it in the developing world.

Leadership & Organisations

Corporate governance: managing the known unknowns

Raising corporate governance and oversight standards is easier in theory than in practice. How should companies balance increased supervision with efficient execution? INSEAD professor Ludo Van der Heyden, tells us how.


Social media: What next?

By now, most will acknowledge social media is here to stay. What can we expect and how do companies stay ahead? A digital strategist and former social media manager of The New York Times shares her views.