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Samir Sathe


Samir is an EVP and is a country leader for the 'Advantage' program in India at Wadhwani Foundation. Wadhwani Foundation is a global philanthropic organisation, active in 20 countries. Its mission is to create jobs and change lives. The program focuses on small businesses in achieving its mission by using Artificial intelligence enabled technology mobile platform, to help Small businesses scale faster and create high value jobs.

Samir has 25-years of rich experience in research, strategy and transformation consulting in India, Asia, Middle East, Singapore, UK and the US.

Samir has been in leadership roles, successfully advising and executing hundreds of engagements for domestic and multinational, small and large businesses, in diverse set of manufacturing and service industries. Samir is a thought leader in building conceptual frameworks and developing insights in select domains.

Samir has a master’s degree in consulting and coaching for change from INSEAD, France. He is trained in executive coaching using psychodynamic principles to solve the personal and business problems of leaders. He has also attended programs in ‘Leading Professional Service Firms’ at Harvard Business School and ‘Challenges of Global Poverty’ at MIT.

Reach Samir at [email protected] or [email protected]

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