Sunkee Lee
Sunkee Lee is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Theory and Strategy at Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. He was awarded a PhD in Strategy from INSEAD in 2017. His research lies at the crossroads of organization design and organizational learning.
Latest posts
Do Unconventional Offices Promote Creativity?
M. Sosa, S. Lee
It is widely assumed that unconventionally-designed offices stimulate creativity. But that isn’t always the case – sometimes they may even impede innovation.
How Your Bonus Affects Your Colleague’s Behaviour
S.K. Lee, P. Puranam
Incentives aren’t just about rewarding individual achievement. They can also be a key factor in shaping group behaviour.
When Financial Incentives Don’t Work
Performance incentives may encourage employees to deliver but when it comes to innovation it’s by no means certain they trigger the best results.