Timothy Rowley
Visiting Professor of Strategy
Tim is faculty member at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and a Visiting Scholar at INSEAD. His research interests include corporate governance, strategic alliances and stakeholder and social issues management. His publications appear in the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly and Organization Science. Recently, Tim and his co-author Shawn Berman were awarded “Business & Society Article of Decade 2000-2010,” from the International Association for Business and Society. He is also the Co-Editor of the journal Strategic Organizations. Tim Rowley directs the Leading from the Chair Programme, and the International Directors Programme.
Tim is also the Canadian National Academic Director of the Institute for Corporate Directors’ various Governance Programs, developing and overseeing governance training for over 3,000 directors in five Canadian cities. He is also the Director of the Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness. At INSEAD, he is the Co-Director of the International Directors Program.
Honours and Awards include: Best Paper Award at the Annual Academy of Management Conference 2003, Deloitte and Touche Professor of Strategy, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Grant - $110,000,1999, Connaught New Faculty Research Grant, University of Toronto and 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 Rotman School Teaching Excellence Award.
Tim is also the Canadian National Academic Director of the Institute for Corporate Directors’ various Governance Programs, developing and overseeing governance training for over 3,000 directors in five Canadian cities. He is also the Director of the Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness. At INSEAD, he is the Co-Director of the International Directors Program.
Honours and Awards include: Best Paper Award at the Annual Academy of Management Conference 2003, Deloitte and Touche Professor of Strategy, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Grant - $110,000,1999, Connaught New Faculty Research Grant, University of Toronto and 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 Rotman School Teaching Excellence Award.
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How Boards Are Coping With Covid-19
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Boards Under the Influence
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Improving European Board Effectiveness – insights from participants of the INSEAD International Directors Programme
Timothy Rowley
A healthy capital system is an important ingredient for European competitiveness. Indeed, investors look for stability and predictability, which leads to the necessary flow of capital into our markets. Besides the key role government plays in creating confidence, there are three main actors in the capital system: “owners” who supply financial resources, managers who apply their expertise to build attractive returns on the owners’ investments, and boards of directors that oversee the process. The entire system relies on each actor contributing such that economic value is created.