Scaling Innovation in Genetics and Precision Medicine
How biotech start-ups can identify and solidify their customer base, scale their operations and unlock the full potential of precision medicine.
Solving Grand Societal Challenges Through Creative Organisation Design
Combining for-profit entrepreneurship with a non-profit social mission through novel organisation design can achieve scale and impact.
Empowering Public Health Leaders in Africa
A unique programme to foster leadership and supply chain skills through public-private capacity-building efforts.
Are Our Supply Chains Ready for the Next Global Health Crisis?
We need resilient healthcare supply chains to prepare for the next global health emergency. Here’s how to do it.
Putting Covid-19 Testing to the Test
The pandemic has underscored the chronically poor testing capacity and calls for diagnostics strategies at the national level.
Leadership & Organisations
Gratitude Is More Powerful Than You Think
Regular appreciation and thanks from service users can make a huge difference in the lives of burnt out essential workers.
When the Problem Isn’t the Problem
Private healthcare facilities in low- and middle-income countries may not have all medical supplies in stock, but collaboration mitigates individual clinic level shortages. Policy design should not ignore this.