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Humanitarian research

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Protecting the Humanitarian Space in Conflicts

A. Kayyal, I. Parsa, L. Van Wassenhove

In the name of humanity, aid must be allowed to flow to vulnerable people caught in conflict around the world.


How to Boost Health Product Supplies in Developing Regions

Prashant Yadav

Are development banks and philanthropic foundations using the right incentives to encourage global life sciences companies to cater to underserved markets?


Disaster Response: Finding Order in Turmoil

A. Kayyal, I. Parsa, B. Urlu and L. Van Wassenhove

When disaster strikes, governments are faced with difficult, urgent decisions – but preparedness can make a difference.


Why Has the Humanitarian Sector Been Slow to Localise?

L. Frennesson, L. Van Wassenhove

Despite a collective strategic intent to localise, progress has been slower than expected.


What Businesses Can Learn From Humanitarian Operations

Luk Van Wassenhove

Navigating uncertain and dynamic environments and overcoming resource and information scarcity are nothing new to humanitarian organisations.


Business Not as Usual: Companies Stepping Up in Crisis

B. Urlu, E. G. Gülserliler, L. Van Wassenhove

In times of humanitarian disasters, the private sector must step up. Businesses can hardly be functional when society comes to a halt.


Planning Matters: Coordination in Humanitarian Relief

I. Parsa, L. Van Wassenhove

In disaster response, humanitarian operations take place under high levels of stress and time pressure. There is no room for bureaucracy and ambiguity.


Humanitarian Versus For-Profit Operations: When Lines Blur

L. Van Wassenhove, I. Parsa, K. Aral

What are the repercussions when humanitarian organisations adopt a commercial structure?


How (Not) to Respond to a Humanitarian Crisis

L. Van Wassenhove, I. Parsa, B. Urlu, K. Aral

Recognising post-disaster realities can enable individuals, media and organisations to help the Turkey-Syria earthquake victims more effectively.


The Coming of Age of Humanitarian Logistics

Luk Van Wassenhove

We are closer than ever to a holistic supply chain management approach now that the humanitarian sector has recognised the importance of logistics.


Empowering Public Health Leaders in Africa

L. Van Wassenhove, P. Lalvani

A unique programme to foster leadership and supply chain skills through public-private capacity-building efforts.


Making Humanitarian Operations More Sustainable

Luk Van Wassenhove

Do good intentions always lead to good outcomes? Experience shows that the lack of coordinated response can lead to future humanitarian and sustainability challenges.


Want to Help Ukrainian Refugees? Don't Send Random Stuff

Luk Van Wassenhove

An open letter urging well-intentioned donors to think twice before inadvertently doing more harm than good.


Using the Global Goals as a Systemic Approach to Relief

M. Besiou, A. Pedraza-Martinez, L. Van Wassenhove

With the UN SDGs as a guide, how can non-profits and NGOs do their work while considering long-term impact?


Improving Women’s Access to Mobile Family Planning Services

Luk Van Wassenhove

Cash-strapped NGOs could reach more clients in rural areas – at no extra cost – by basing their visit frequency on data instead of habits.