New research by INSEAD faculty highlights the importance of better managing your time for productive teamwork. It also reviews existing research into family-controlled business groups and presents a framework to help estimate the impact of herd behaviour. In addition, recently published papers delve into the organisational challenges of public-private partnerships and how mindless browsing can be linked to a lack of job satisfaction.
1. Caught Between a Clock and a Hard Place: Temporal Ambivalence and Time (Mis)Management in Teams
This paper explores how teams handle conflicting views of time, known as temporal ambivalence, and how this impacts team performance. INSEAD’s Sujin Jang and her co-authors* ran a study that manipulated time perceptions by adjusting the speed of a wall clock. Their research found that effectively managing time conflicts improved a team’s overall performance.
*Colin M. Fisher, UCL School of Management and J. Richard Hackman, Harvard University.
2. Family-Controlled Business Groups: An In-Depth Review and a Microfoundations-Based Research Agenda
INSEAD professors Vissa Balagopal and Guoli Chen and their co-authors* conducted an in-depth review of existing research into family-controlled business groups (FBGs). They identified a focus on structure among existing research and propose a move towards a microfoundations approach. They also explore how this can enhance FBG research and connect it with fields like entrepreneurship and strategy.
*Leena Kinger Hans, Indian School of Business, and Raveendra Chittoor, University of Victoria.
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3. Bayesian Herd Detection for Dynamic Data
INSEAD’s Ville Satopää and Jussi Keppo, National University of Singapore, develop a flexible framework that can help estimate the impact of herding, where individuals end up influenced by the wider group behaviour, on the accuracy of forecasting. Looking at agents’ predictions of future stock prices, they examined how herding can impact the accuracy of those forecasts and how its influence can vary over time.
4. Partnering for Grand Challenges: A Review of Organizational Design Considerations in Public-Private Collaborations
INSEAD’s Phanish Puranam and his co-authors* conducted a theory-guided review of the research on public-private partnerships and grand challenges. The review provides a new understanding of the complexities of organisational design, when, how and why such partnerships matter and how private actors can shape a private-public collaboration that is strong enough to deal with the scale and scope of global problems.
*Gerard George, Thomas J. Fewer, Georgetown University, Sergio Lazzarini, Western University, and Anita M. McGahan, University of Toronto.
5. What Leads to Cyberloafing: The Empirical Study of Workload, Self-Efficacy, Time Management Skills, and Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction
How much time workers waste surfing the internet at work is directly related to job dissatisfaction resulting from high workload, low self-efficacy and poor time management skills. Visiting Scholar at INSEAD Pawel Korzynskiand Olga Protsiuk from Kozminski University studied the behaviour of workers in the retail jewellery industry and concluded that cyberloafing is a counterproductive form of withdrawal behaviour.
Edited by:
Nick Measures-
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